Lithium Battery Kits
Lithium MUST NOT be treated like normal NiCd, NiMh or alkaline batteries. They are much more powerful and have a different chemistry that must be respected if you want to maximise your health, safety, and enjoyment of this modern power supply.
It is useful to consider that these cells originate from applications used in sealed battery packs which are designed for use in power tools, laptops, off-grid battery banks and back-up power supplies. They were not intended for general consumer use in torches, lamps, headlamps, fans or vape devices etc. Those who choose to use this type of cell must know they do so at their own risk. Thus, safe handling practices must be adopted accordingly.

The PROSPECTOR Kit is a popular lithium power alternative for the SDC2300. The four-bay 3A MiBoxer charger is among the best available and is packed with many sought-after features. Being able to charge 3A in all four bays at the same time, it saves time and allows additional space for charging batteries other equipment.
The PROSPECTOR Kit is supplied with 2x customised lithium battery adapters that enable the user to power the SDC2300 with the 18650 size lithium cells which have a typical maximum capacity of 3500 mAh each. This supplies the SDC2300 with around 11-14 hours of runtime in the field, with a charging time of around 2.5 – 3 hrs. A weight saving of around 220g is also achieved.

The JUMBO Kit is a popular lithium power alternative for the SDC2300. The four-bay 3A MiBoxer charger is among the best available and is packed with many sought-after features. Being able to charge 3A in all four bays at the same time, it saves time and allows additional space for charging batteries other equipment.
The JUMBO Kit is supplied with 2x customised lithium battery adapters that enable the user to power the SDC2300 with the 21700 size lithium cells which deliver the maximum capacity available for the SDC2300 at 5000 mAh each. This supplies the SDC2300 with around 18-24 hours of runtime in the field, with a charging time of around 3 – 4 hrs. A weight saving of around 190g is also achieved.

Ez-Swing Control Arm
The ‘Swing Arm’ can be fitted for both left and right handed operation. When fitting the swing arm shaft sleeve, make sure the tapered tags face the right way for your preferred dexterity.
RIGHT HANDED operator: Tapers should point toward the coil.
LEFT HANDED operator: Tapers should point toward the operator.

The Swing Arm shaft can be ‘locked’ up beside the SDC2300 detector body. This allows unimpeded single-handed operation of the detector by preventing the swing arm shaft from opening outward perpendicular to the machine and being hindered by surrounding objects while manoeuvring in the field. No other swing arm offers this.

SoundShell Acoustic Speaker Reflector
The Soundshell works simply to send the target signal sound back to the operator of the SDC2300 rather than broadcast the external speaker sound out into the surrounding bush. It is a great option for those who dislike headphones or for one reason or another prefer not to use the headphone/speaker patch lead.
The item is not meant to be removed on a regular basis. Should you need to remove it, REMOVE WITH CARE – the fit is very tight.
The product fits very snugly into three screw recess points. DO NOT ‘PEEL’ the soundshell away from the SDC. DO NOT BEND outward. AVOID action that might break the MAIN lug. Remove with care through a vertical forward/backward pivoting or rocking motion as though the lugs are being ‘unscrewed’ or untwisted from the screw hole recesses.

The ‘Flipstand’ is located on the upper shaft collar by two small locator pins and secured with a bolt and wingnut.
WHEN FITTING: For normal operation (without coiltek® kits), the mount should be positioned so that the tapered ends point toward the coil. This leaves a space between the SDC2300 body and the mount into which the legs will fold.

The SDC Custom Bungee is designed with convenience in mind. The shaft hook is designed to mount on the lower SDC shaft and will not attract grass, seeds and thorns like velcro can.
On the shaft end of the bungee, the bungee loop is easily removed from the shaft hook if required, and is retained firmly in the shaft hook by a built-in ‘grip lip’.
The harness end of the buungee holds the bungee clip. The length of the bungee can be adjusted on the fly by pulling the cord into the built-in jam to lock the cord in place at the desired length.
The cord has a stopper on the very end preventing the bungee from coming out of the clip and the clip being lost.
The clip also features a custom scallop designed to match the D loop on the harness to allow easy fitting and removal, minimising the possibility of ‘trapping’ the clip in the D loop when wanting to disconnect the bungee from the harness (which can be very frustrating).

Fitting requires only one of the SDC panel screws. The other should be kept as a spare. The panel has a number of built-in clips that attach onto various forms on the SDC body.

This product fits to your waterproof ‘orphaned’ SDC2300 coil and lets you swap to it in just a few minutes anytime you want to use your SDC2300 coil in the field.
Your SDC2300 can also be fully folded for compact transport with this item attached.
Once fitted (see instructions) this unit simply slips over the Coiltek® shaft end and is secured with a bolt and wingnut. The SDC300 curly cable is wrapped around the SDC shaft and the coild plug is attached to the SDC coil socket (made super easy with the EZ-Access Coil Plug Panel).

There is no longer any ‘O’ ring to maintain. And the thick nylon base offers great durability against wear n tear. Bear in mind the vulnerability of the ‘wearing knuckle joint’ is eliminated with this product.
The SDC300 curly cable is wrapped around the SDC shaft and the coild plug is attached to the SDC coil socket (made super easy with the EZ-Access Coil Plug Panel).
Product Goals
“My challenge was simply to design quality products that were just like your best mate:Always there; had your back when you needed them; but never got in your face when you got busy with business.”
Frustrated by some of the practical limitations with detecting equipment in the field, one key objective was to design solution that delivered on convenience and function, and make them available to others as quickly as possible.
At the same time, product quality and reliability are crucial factors. Particularly in our vast Australian outback and enormous spaces of remote area. There is a degree of certainty in simplicity – the less that can go wrong, the better. So I set about creating designs that would be well received and do a great job in the field.
3D Printing (additive manufacturing) was adopted to achieve this. It allows constant design improvement. Which means you get those improvements as quickly as possible.
Nonetheless, some compromises were require in regard to cosmetic finish as 3D printing has its limitations due to the layering process it uses to build objects. The result is that the surface of most products show very small ‘layer lines’ and can have occasional surface imperfections like small pits or bumps. However, this places no compromise on the function of the parts, and is seen as an expected ‘trademark’ of the modern age of 3D manufacturing.
With cosmetics and function addressed, the next objective turned to reliability and durability of the product. To ensure that products were strong would simply not go far enough. Designs needed to also be both hard-wearing and lightweight. And they needed to be as easy and worry-free as possible.
The layering of the 3D printing, together with the ability to control the configuration of the plastic within the walls of the products greatly improves on overall design integrity. This means that even if a certain part of the product receives some damaged, a high likelihood remains that the product will continue to function as designed.
By virtue of these objectives, my challenge was simply to design quality products that were just like your best mate: always there, had your back when you needed them, but never got in your face when you got busy with business
Product Materials
Our products make extensive use of nylon plastics and carbon fibre.
Strength is obtained by lightweight carbon fibre tubing components coupled with a specially selected tough, strong, yet flexible nylon plastic that is UV hardy and (compared to most common 3D printing plastics), temperature tolerant.
The benefits of such a plastic is a very welcome resistance to cracking, crushing or breaking, and a robust tolerance for abrasion.
For the application of metal detecting activities where eager prospectors are motivated to physically swing a detector machine for entire days on end, Carbon fibre materials deliver a clear win through their light weight.
Don’t use your gear immediately after pulling it out of a
hot 70˚C car!
* Let things cool down * …otherwise you risk the softened plastic being warped into your own custom design!
Product Availability
Our range of products can be accessed online through a number of platforms and channels.
A growing number of quality prospecting shops are choosing to offer their customers our upgrades and accessories. See our dealer locations page for a list or click on the map below for the dealer closest to you.
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